Mission Statement:
The mission of the Family Crisis Center is to promote safety, self sufficiency, hope and healing to those affected by abuse.
The Family Crisis Center is a public non-profit agency incorporated in February of 1987. We began as an effort to bring services closer to our local communities.
We provide information and education to Madison, Fremont, Jefferson, and Clark County residents to reduce the number of incidents of domestic violence and sexual assault. We currently have a comprehensive information and referral network of community resources for survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault. We operate under a Board of Directors with diverse backgrounds, education, and skills. They meet once a month to guide and oversee the staff.
Program services include a 24-hour crisis line, shelter, crisis intervention services, immediate on-scene intervention with Law Enforcement, referral to emergency medical services, and legal advocacy. We also provide weekly women’s support groups, weekly children’s support group, individual counseling resources and referral, community education and public awareness, and a community food bank and thrift store.
The Family Crisis Center does not discriminate in the delivery of services or benefits based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability or age.
The Family Crisis Center is supported by funds awarded by the Idaho Council on Domestic Violence and Victim Assistance.
Year Established
People served in Food Bank in 2024
Survivors served in 2024
Survivors housed in 2024
Our first priority is always assisting survivors of domestic violence and sexual assault.
All our services are available at no cost to our clients.
We serve clients in Jefferson, Madison, Fremont, and Clark Counties and surrounding areas. While we honor client confidentiality and encourage autonomy, we are required to report: child abuse, danger to self, and danger to others. We recognize not all abuse is criminal, but we serve all survivors of any type of abuse. We understand that domestic violence and sexual assault can happen to anyone, regardless of age, gender, ethnic background, economic background, orientation, or religion. Anyone in need of help is welcome to our services.
We provide the following services:
24-hour crisis line
Immediate response
Emotional advocacy and follow up support
Safe shelter
Legal and Court advocacy
Counseling information and referrals
Community education
Public awareness
Book lending library
Thrift store
Support groups*
*Our Domestic Violence Support Group is available for women who have experienced domestic abuse and is held weekly on Thursdays from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Our Sexual Assault Support Group is available for women who have experienced any form of sexual assault and is held weekly on Tuesdays from 5:30 - 7:00 p.m.
Our support groups are open to all community members and are free of charge. Please contact us with any questions by calling 208-356-0065.


El Centro de Crisis Familiar tiene defensores de habla hispana para las víctimas de violencia doméstica, agresión sexual y acecho. Su confidencialidad es muy importante para nosotros. Para acceder a nuestros servicios, envíe un correo electrónico a catalinah@familycrisiscenter.info o llame al 208.356.0065 y pregunte por Catalina.
To reach our Director, Meegan Littlefield, email her at meeganl@familycrisiscenter.info
To reach our Associate Director, Nahiomi Aponte, email her at nahiomia@familycrisiscenter.info
For questions about volunteering, donations, Food Bank or Thrift Store please contact Kristy Bradshaw, our Victim's Needs Coordinator at kristyb@familycrisiscenter.info
To reach our Advocate Coordinator, Adri Grant, please email her at adrig@familycrisiscenter.info
To reach our Internship Coordinator, Becca Bateman, please email her at beccab@familycrisiscenter.info
To reach our Public Awareness Coordinator, Erica Battezzato, please email her at ericab@familycrisiscenter.info
Monday-Thursday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Friday 8:00AM - 2:00PM
Thrift Store:
Monday-Saturday 10:00AM - 4:30PM
Food Bank:
Available to all.
Wednesday & Friday 12:00 - 1:00PM
Senior Citizens: Wednesday 11:30 - 12:00
Family Crisis Center
16 E Main St
Rexburg, ID 83440
Tel: 208.356.0065
Fax: 208.356.0717